Installing a Python GDSII development environment under Windows

Download and install Git

All development of gdshelper is done it Git. Even if you do not plan on contributing by your own, you will eventually need it. Download it from Keep the default settings.

Download and install Python

CPython as Python distribution

While you can basically use any Python 3 interpreter (at least Python 3.5, preferably the newest version), in this guide we use CPython by Head there now and download the Windows installer. Make sure that the installer adds CPython to PATH and installs the Python package managment pip.

PyCharm as IDE

One of the best Python IDEs is PyCharm which now also has a free community edition. Go and get it. It’s recommendable to install it via te Jetbrains toolbox, as it simplifies upgrading Pycharm.

You can directly start it after it is installed. On the first start it will ask you about your default theme and keymap. Change it to your own preference.

Setting up Python in PyCharm

Before doing any real work you will have to tell PyCharm which Python it should use. On the welcome screen, select Configure, then Settings. Add the Python interpreter in Project Interpreters and click on the gear in the upper right and then Add. There you can add the Python Interpreter by selecting System Interpreter. The right path should be already in the form.

PyCharm will then parse all the installed modules of that Python installation.

Installing the gdshelpers and optional dependencies

Even under Windows, the command line is sometimes useful. In our case we use pip to install gdshelpers with image-export directly by using the single command:

pip install gdshelpers[image_export]

For most users this configuration should be sufficient.

Alternatively, you can also add the gdshelpers to your project using VCS --> Checkout from Version Control --> Git (the link is and then Attach to add it to your project. Using this way, it is also possible to modify the gdshelpers and to contribute to the development.

Additionally you need extra packages for certain functions of the package. For exporting the design to the OASIS-format you should install the library fatamorgana using pip install fatamorgana. In order to create GDSII-files, you can use the included GDSII-export or decide between gdspy (fully python 3 compatible, pip install gdspy) and gdsCAD (also working under python 3, but not installable using pip). For directly generating pictures from the designs the package descartes needs to be installed (pip install descartes).

Updating gdshelpers

In order the update to the most recent version of gdshelpers you should execute from time to time:

pip install --upgrade gdshelpers

That’s it, you are all set to generate your own GDS file. Head over to the tutorial.